
The blog Teamcenter Discussion forum is in no way affiliated with Siemens PLM or any of its subsidiaries. 

The blog Teamcenter Discussion forum has no claim to the terms Teamcenter, Teamcenter Engineering, Teamcenter Enterprise, Teamcenter Unified, BMIDE, ITK, SOA or pretty much anything else that sounds like a trademarked term that you’ve seen or heard in their literature. I assume those terms are all trademarked by Siemens PLM or one of its subsidiaries.

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. Any opinions I express here are solely my own and not those of my employer. 

Any resemblance to other blogs, pages is purely coincidental.

I may choose to moderate comments as I find appropriate in order to maintain the content within my view of good taste, however the comments are the opinions of their respective authors. No warranties or other guarantees are made as to the accuracy or quality of the opinions or any other content offered herein.


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